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Chat, Trade... Instantly!

Disturbing Free Settings

1. News receive way:
Please right click the community and select "Message Alert":

Or open a chat box and click "Manage":

Make desired settings and click "OK" when finished:

2. Community Validation:
If you need validation before being added to a certain community, please take the following steps:

  1. Open a community chat box;
  2. Click "Options";
  3. Select appropriate validation;
  4. Click "OK".

3. Block list settings:
Contacts in the community black list can never join the community unless it is deleted from the block list. If a community member is added to the block list, he/she will be deleted from the community.

(1) For community members, please take the following steps:
a. Click "Members" label at the right side of community chat box.
b. Right click the member you want to add to block list and select "Block".

(2) For members not in the community, please take the following steps:
Open community chat box and click "Manage":

Select "Block List" tab and click "Block". Then enter Member ID.

Note: only community owner and Admin can make block list.

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